A downloadable tool
I had this script made up by chatGPT for myself when i needed to subtitle a really long video.
what the program does, on a basic level, is it tries to use a combination of your script aswell as the audio, to provide accurate subtitles even when you go off-script, ad-lib certain sections or change up your phrasing on the fly
essentially: it takes the "automatically syncing your script" feature that many services offer, and the "automatically subtitle your video"-feature that many other services offer, and combine them into one single process.
it seems to work fine for me, but if doesnt for you, i apologize! i dont know what the fuck im doing, this whole software was made by holding chatGPT at knifepoint and iterating for hours (and then theRealDyer helped me actually package it up into a standalone .exe instead of a python-script). i might update it in the future.
please note: in my experience, the "small" model is the lowest i can go before the results start getting kinda shit, and i use the "medium" model, so i'd recommend that one if your video is kinda long. if your video is pretty short though, you might aswell go for the largest model i guess.
known issues:
- when doing longer videos, whisper has a glitch that makes it slowly lose its grasp on sentence length and using basic punctuation. this shouldnt be a problem if your video is under ~2h. i might try to address this in the future.
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Really cool little tool, also the only one i've found so far that isn't locked behind a paywall.
If you don't mind a suggestion for a possible future iteration, would it be possible to make it so this doesn't require a script file input? I have no programming knowledge myself so I honestly don't know how much effort that would take.